Telegram Bot helping to check whether a port is open or closed on a remote IP address. In our opinion, it is convenient to have this bot at hand - this will save you from having to visit the site every time
At the moment, the bot is available in three languages: Russian, English and German. You can see a brief overview of the bot in the video.
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FTP Control | 21 |
SSH | 22 |
Telnet | 23 |
SMTP | 25 |
DNS | 53 |
HTTP / Web | 80 |
POP3 | 110 |
IMAP | 143 |
HTTPS | 443 |
IMAP SSL | 993 |
POP3 SSL | 995 |
MSSQL | 1433 |
REMOTE | 3389 |
VNC | 5900 |